[Film Threat] Brock Bledsoe: Future Hero

What movie buff doesn’t love a film made about the painstaking process of the final shot? All those who have been behind the lens in any form – be it production, acting, or in directorial capacities, will appreciate Matthew Ellis’s Brock Bledsoe: Future HeroLet’s extend that generalization to include anyone fascinated by the art of movie making, well, ever.

Spanning for little over 13 minutes, this is one of those short films that stays with you long after the final credits roll. A comedy by all rights, it’s got that extra something which puts the film in a league above its peers. If I had to put my finger on it, I’d narrow down the “It” factor this movie so recklessly possesses to one fixed reaction guaranteed for all who partake – sheer incredulity.

(Read more of my review here: http://filmthreat.com/reviews/brock-bledsoe-future-hero/)

Ayurella Horn-Muller