Durante un eclipse, los cúmulos poco profundos de nubes comienzan a disiparse en grandes proporciones cuando solo se cubre una fracción del Sol, y no se reforman hasta el final del evento.
Read MoreIt’s midday, and the sun is high in the sky, a natural cyan canvas peppered with puffy, cauliflower-shaped clouds. With little warning, the clouds cluttering the horizon start to vanish before your eyes. Not long after, the world begins to darken, as the golden orb that sustains life on Earth swiftly disappears from view.
Read MoreFirst, the green bud appears, sprouting from a tree branch like a fledgling peering skyward from its mother's nest. The florets show up next, extending from the branch's center like a petal unfurling to bask in the sun. This is followed by the elongation of a smattering of flower stalks, from which a handful of puffy cherry blossoms finally open in a dazzling bloom.
Read MoreA finales de esta primavera, bajo un manto de oscuridad, una horda de insectos de ojos saltones emergerá del subsuelo, donde han pasado la mayor parte de su vida alimentándose de la savia de las raíces de los árboles.
Read MoreSometime late this spring, under a cloak of darkness, a horde of bulbous-eyed insects will emerge from underground, where they've spent most of their lives feeding from the sap of tree roots. They will scurry up the first trees they can find, leaving behind their exoskeletons as they molt, shedding old shells as they develop those trademark wings.
Read MoreDesde as populares garrafas reutilizáveis até o combustível de aviação, o chumbo é onipresente. Devemos nos preocupar?
Read MoreImagine an entirely barren world. Before you is a volcanic landscape, devoid of flora and fauna. Scattered throughout this gray and black expanse are shallow bodies of water. In each of these natural pools brews a precise blend of chemicals and physical conditions that could serve as the source of life on our planet.
Read MoreImagínate un mundo completamente estéril. Ante ti hay un paisaje volcánico, desprovisto de flora y fauna. Esparcidas por esta extensión gris y negra hay cuerpos de agua poco profundos. En cada una de estas piscinas naturales se elabora una combinación precisa de sustancias químicas y condiciones físicas que podrían servir como fuente de vida en nuestro planeta.
Read MoreCorpo de água raso e salgado situado em rocha vulcânica contém pistas que podem ajudar os cientistas.
Read MoreDesde las populares botellas de agua reutilizables hasta el combustible de aviación, el plomo es omnipresente. ¿Deberíamos preocuparnos?
Read MoreInvisible to the naked eye, odorless, and nearly impossible to detect by taste, traces of lead are in the products we use, the beverages we drink, and the homes we live in.
Read MoreTrees are believed to have originated hundreds of millions of years ago. Ever since, evidence of these ancient plant sentinels has been in short supply.
Read MoreQuesto stile di pesca – che fornisce un quarto del pescato mondiale – ha effetti dannosi sugli ecosistemi marini e immette tonnellate di anidride carbonica nell’atmosfera.
Read MoreAn ancient, interdependent relationship that contributes to food systems and ecosystem stability across the globe could be changing.
Read MoreLa pesca de arrastre de fondo, o el uso de redes pesadas para rascar el fondo oceánico en busca de peces, tiene un efecto perjudicial sobre la vida marina y los ecosistemas marinos.
Read MoreBottom trawling, or the use of heavy nets to scrape the ocean floor for fish, has a detrimental effect on sea life and marine ecosystems. Despite that, the practice still provides over a quarter of fishery catches worldwide.
Read MoreSegundo estudo, biocrostas cobrem a muralha como um cobertor e separam o local do ar, da água e do vento.
Read MoreLas partes de tierra apisonada de la Gran Muralla China —construidas comprimiendo materiales naturales con tierra— han sido consideradas un punto débil de su estructura. Sin embargo, según un nuevo estudio, estas franjas del emblemático monumento han desarrollado una línea de defensa natural contra el inminente riesgo de deterioro.
Read MoreTwenty-two women make up a farming cooperative in El Crucero, Nicaragua, a municipality nestled on the slopes of the Sierras de Managua. For the last 15 years, they have banded together to grow what their rural community needs to eat. Corn, beans, tomatoes, lemons, carrots, and apples are among those food staples.
Read MoreSwaths of the Great Wall of China are under siege from erosion. An unlikely ‘living skin’ of tiny plants and microorganisms is helping safeguard them.
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